Ancient Geography & Humans
The Map
My eventual goal is to publish a video showing how hominins spread around the world in the context of glaciation, climate change, and sea level rise, so that we know where to look for new sites.
I am using QGIS to compile location information about Earth in the distance past, including climate, sea level, glaciation, and evidence of human occupation and organize it by year for the past 795,000 years. Because the visual astronomy is central to many ancient religions, I use Stellarium to rewind the celestial clock, so to speak, to see what ancient humans saw. (When choosing an astronomy visualizer program, it is important to choose one that takes the precession of the equinoxes into account.)
It is surprisingly difficult to find freely available site data, primarily to protect archaeological sites from looters, and secondarily because mainstream archaeology as a whole is very, umm, protective of its domain. Amateurs are typically more welcome as field hands than as analysts.
I am collating an Excel database of known archaeological sites from a variety of online and text sources. I am currently... painstakingly... both adding sites to the database and using the geodetic coordinates already in it to collect more information about the nature of the site and details about its time frame.
Software & Data
QGIS Software Homepage -
The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model Homepage -
Stellarium Software Homepage -